- 2024
- Grant 1
- Grant 2
- Grant 3
- 2023
- Fundamental mechanisms of higher-order circadian rhythms, PI: Kevin Koronowski, 09/01/2023-08/31/2028
- LRP1 as a novel regulator of CXCR4 in adult neural stem, PI: Naomi Sayre, 08/01/2023-06/30/2028
- Functional lipidomics reveals a novel molecular mechanism underlying improved metabolic function and lifespan extension in remarkably long-lived mice, PI: Juan Pablo Palavicini, 07/01/2023-6/30/2025
- The San Antonio heart and mind study, PI: Claudia Satizabel, 07/01/2023-06/30/2023
- Cranial oral-biology student training in academic research (COSTAR), PI: Kenneth Hargreaves, 07/01/2023-06/30/2028
- Bacteria-Associated VB12 regulates neonatal ileal epithelum, PI: Mansour M. Zadeh, 06/01/2023-05/31/2024
- Tryptophan metabolism and microbiome in long-covid related kidney disease, PI: Mansour M. Zadeh, 06/01/2023-05/31/2024
- Validation, calibration, and translation of restriction imaging signal maps to enhance MRI diagnostic capabilities in prostate cancer, PI: Michael Liss, 05/17/2023-4/30/2028
- The role of medullary thymic epithelial cells-derived growth factors in regulating thymus growth and atrophy, PI: Ann V. Griffith, 04/15/2023-12/31/2024
- Targeting ferroptosis in renal tubular epithelial cells to improve outcomes of lupus nephritis, PI: Laurence Morel, 04/01/2023-01/31/2028
- Chronic intermittent hypoxia and hyperalgesic priming, PI: Yu Shin Kim, 03/01/2023-02/29/2028
- Science as a Team Sport: Leveling the playing field and setting the rules of engagement, PI: Ann V. Griffith, 02/01/2023-01/31/2028
- Evaluation of an intensive swallow exercise therapy for maintaining feeding and well-being in persons with Parkinson’s disease, PI: Giselle Carnaby, 02/01/2023-03/31/2024
- IMSD at UT Health San Antonio, PI: Ann V. Griffith, 02/01/2023-01/31/2028
- Development of socio-ecological model of wellness and resiliency support, PI: Ann V. Griffith, 01/07/2023-06/30/2024
- Identification and validation of plasma-based lipid biome, PI: Juan Pablo Palavicini, 01/01/2023-12/31/2024
- 2022
- Dysphagia: In search of an unidentified definition for the aging population, PI: Giselle Carnaby,12/12/2022-11/30/2024
- Interaction of B regulatory cells and commensal candida albicans in the maintenance of gut homeostasis, PI: Zhengming Xu, 12/01/2022-11/30/2023
- Targeting lymphoid tissue residency to boost tumor immunotherapies, PI: Nu Zhang, 10/01/2022-09/30/2026
- Advancing cancer research through next generation sequence, PI: Zhao Lai, 09/01/2022-08/31/2027
- Tryptophan Metabolism and Microbiome in long-covid related kidney disease, PI: Kumar Sharma, 09/01/2022-09/30/2024
- Commensal modulation of Peri-implant Microbiome Dysbiosis via Veillonella parvula, 9/01/2022 – 08/30/2027
- Chlamydia pathogenesis, PI: Guangming Zhong, 08/12/2022-07/31/2024
- Targeting follicular helper CD4 T cells in SLE, PI: Laurence Morel, 07/18/2022-06/30/2027
- Mechanisms and consequences of dramatic ceramide losses in long-lived growth hormone deficient mice, PI: Juan Pablo Palavicini, 07/01/2022 – 6/30/2024
- Determinants of follicular helper T cells in lupus, PI: Laurence Morel, 07/01/2022-06/30/2025
- The impact of aging and thymus regeneration on tissue resident CD8 T cell responses to viral infection and vaccination, PI: Ann V. Griffith, 06/01/2022-05/31/2024
- Roles of CCR10 in regulation of IgA responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection, PI: Na Xiong, 05/15/2022-04/30/2024
- Brain myeloid cell-targeting multiplexed gene editing for SIV/HIV eradication, PI: Binhua Ling, 04/05/2022-02/28/2027
- Functional peripheral and central vagal neural circuits of interoception inhibiting pain, PI: Yu Shin Kim, 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2026
- 2021
- Multiethnic validation of VCID biomarkers in South Texas, PI: Claudia Satizabal, 09/30/2021-07/31/2028
- South Texas Alzheimer’s Disease Center populations neuroscience, PI: Claudia Satizabal, 09/01/2021-06/30/2026
- UT System Faculty STARs Award for Dr. Mansour M. Zadeh, 2021
- 2020
- Bacteria-associated VB12 regulates neonatal ileal epithelium homeostasis, PI: Mansour M. Zadeh, 09/14/2020-08/31/2025